Sunday, June 12, 2016

Mt. Pico de Loro Adventure

Mt. Palay Palay or Mt. Pico de Loro;
Y2F Sweet Escapades

Name: Mt. Palay-Palay or Mt. Pico de Loro
Location: Boundaries of Cavite and Nasugbo Batangas
Jump Off: DENR Ternate, Cavite
Height: 664 MASL
Difficulty Level: 3/9

Mt. Pico de Loro is at 664 MASL, considered to be the highest Peak in the Province of Cavite. It is just a piece of Palay-Palay Mataas na Gulod Protected Landscape of the Palay palay Mountain Range. Pico de Loro which they called Parrot's Beak is the name of the rock Monolith.

Trail Diary:
It wasn't our forethought to hike Mt. Pico de Loro since our group was planning a month ago to visit Mt. Manalmon. A day before the hike at the aforementioned mountain located in Bulacan, we notified that a permit is required so we had a last minute changed of location. 
I suggested Mt. Pico de Loro which is situated in Ternate, Cavite. 
We are a group of six which is composed of 2 boys and 4 girls. We pushed this hike without any fragment because i heard that Mt. Pico de Loro is the easiest and friendly-mountain for beginners.

We rode the bus at exactly 4am from Coastal Mall to Ternate Cavite. 
From Ternate Terminal, take a tricycle ride to DENR.

25 pesos is the environmental fee. Since we are 6. 
we paid 150 pesos and 1200 for tour guide (6pax). 
Guide in Mt. Pico de Loro is optional 
but since i was afraid to go astray 
I demand to hired at least 1 tourguide.

Trail of Mt. Pico de Loro is a combination of easy trekking to average. The first portion is quite easy as it will only requires you to walk into a slightly slanted trail going up. But as  you reach the middle 'till up to the summit. Trails are getting precipitous.

That is why in the middle of trekking, our group was interrupted with a short drama of Chrisanta uttering "Ayoko na. Nahihilo na ako. Iwanan nyo na lang ako dito sa baba" until i find out she didn't eat breakfast, so we offered Oranges, Jelly Ace and Chocolates. A friendly reminder guys! When you were climbing a mountain, be sure and don't ever forget to eat breakfast! ok?

After a few minutes of encouragement. She insist to continue the trail. 
(Im so proud of you chris! Not bad for a beginner hiker).

In less than 2 hours, we are able to experience this view.

Approximately 3 hours, 
we were able to reach Mt. Pico de Loro's campsite.

Upon reaching the summit is 360-degree scenic view. 
It was more a feeling of quiet satisfaction and almost a little bit of surprise when we reach the final peak which they called Parrot's Beak.

Summary of Expenses:
Coastal Terminal-Ternate Cavite: P86.00
Ternate tricycle-Pico de Loro Jump off: P83.00
Environmental Fee: P25.00 per pax
Tourguide from DENR to Summit: P1200.00 (6pax)
Food: P100-150.00
Tricycle from DENR-Ternate: P83.00
Ternate-Manila: P150.00
Total: 700-800 Safe Budget

Delighting the view of Parrot's Beak.

Appreciating God's Wonderful Creation!

Our Itinerary
0300-0400: Assembly to Coastal Terminal
0400-0600: Coastal Terminal to Ternate Cavite
0600-0630: Ternate to Pico de Loro Jump Off
0630-0700: DENR Registration and Warm Up
0700-0830: Pico de Loro Campsite
0830-0900: Meryenda Time
0900-1030-Going to Pico de Loro Summit
1030-1200: Picture Taking
1200-1230: Going back to campsite
1230-0130:Lunch Time
0130-0230: Sleep/Siesta
0230-0330: Going back to Jump off
0330-0430:Wash time/ Cleanup
0430-Home Sweet Home.

2L Water
Trail foods (Chocolates, Jelly Ace, Fruits, Mallows)
Pack Lunch (highly recommended. Not time consuming. No need cooking)
Umbrella (just be careful with the wind though)
Scarfs or caps (something you can use for cover that could not be easily blown away)
Raincoat or Rainjacket (in case of rain)
Extra Clothes & Toiletries (washing up after the trek)
Garbage Bag (as they say “Leave nothing but footprints”)

Mt. Pico de Loro 
is one of my Greatest Achievement
as it sinks me the quotes;


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